Sep 27, 2021
The Librarian Influencer of the Week is Liz Deskins. She’s had over 30 years working in a variety of library settings. She currently teaches library science students at Kent State University in Ohio.
Sep 20, 2021
The Librarian Influencer of the Week is SLJ Mover and Shaker, Kelly Passek! Kelly is a librarian at Blacksburg Middle School in Blacksburg VA and Secondary Lead Librarian for Montgomery County Public Schools in Southwest Virginia. She has a varied library background and loves her time as a school librarian.
Sep 13, 2021
The Librarian Influencer of the Week is Kathy Lester! Kathy works as a school librarian at East Middle School in Plymouth, Michigan and is president-elect of AASL.
Sep 6, 2021
The Librarian Influencer of the Week is New York librarian Arlene Laverde! She is a high school librarian and the former president of the New York City School Library Association. Arlene is also president elect for New York Library Association.